Saturday, March 23, 2013

Job hunting

So, I graduate in 6 short weeks.

Terrifying thought, really. Really terrifying, actually.

But I decided that on the brink of free time (ha ha ha) I should start looking for a job. So far, I've applied to four. One place takes medic-students with the understanding they will be medics as soon as we're certified. I've applied to two other places as BLS - because it's very hard to get a foot in the door and they're hiring NOW. Not in two months when we graduate, but now. However, I don't mind a BLS job. I just need a job since I'll be paying back loans and not getting my stipend once school is out.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Greatest compliments

A hug from a pt's family/friend to say thank you for helping!
(Even if it caught me by surprise and startled me badly. I don't do well with unexpected hugs.)
A teacher telling you: "You're a natural, it's obvious you love what you're doing."
An even stricter teacher telling you: "Great job."
A student saying: "I understand now!"