Monday, May 2, 2011


1. Find/buy/steal/beg A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords and A Feast of Crows [2/3]
2. Sleep [0/2]
3. Punch Glen (again) [2/3]
4. Help fellow student pass Oral Exam [0/1]
5. Take final [0/1]
6. Register at new school and turn in paperwork [0/1] (Biology or Anatomy? Decisions, decisions...)
7. Dash back to old school to take Oral Exam [0/1]
8. Write three reaction papers and one final research paper [0/4]...oops, I really should start that...
9. Shower
10. Have surgery [0/1]

I think, when it comes down to it, I'm slightly behind.

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