Monday, February 20, 2012


This morning I asked my bestest, best atheist what I should have for breakfast. The reply? Pancakes. Which (I'm assuming from discussions in the past) means crepes, not the fluffy American things drowned in syrup (ick, anyway. I eat mine with jelly, but I'm strange). So, I'm making pancakes with a few additions.

I had a banana that needed eating (except its waaaaaaaaaaaaay past the point that I'll eat it willingly) so it got mashed up in my batter. It tastes nice, but the batter looks creepy and lumpy. And I think no self-righteous pancake maker would eat my pancakes. They end up in really weird shapes and sizes, but hey, it amuses me. And they're going to be eaten anyway, right?

Octopus, anyone?

Okay, maybe not so bad after all. They taste good at least.

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