Sunday, May 1, 2011

Perhaps We Should Start With Introductions


I'm not going to tell you who I am. Those who know have a reason to, and those who don't, well, they don't have a reason to.

I'm 24, and starting the process of getting my paramedic's license (if I don't go insane first). I live with two roommates, a close friend and her brother, and a plethora of imaginary friends*.

I started this as a mainly anonymous place to rant, whine, piss or otherwise yell. Normally I'm a fairly even tempered individual but...well, we'll see.

*I write fan-fic and spend more time with my characters than most 'normal' humans. Don't judge me.


Unknown said...

imaginary friends are a good thing. at least you've someone of intelligence to talk to

Anonymous said...

I love fan-fic. So many times I think regular people come up with the greatest stuff.

As a long time health care worker it has been my experience that...if you're a half a cracker off from everyone else - you'll do fine in the medical field.

Quarter Life Crisis said...

People of Intelligence is a very good thing (it keeps me from killing my roommate anyway)

Sweet Cheeks~ I'll remember that!

Lucky Jack said...

Fan fic - don't know it, but I like the sound of it. Also, I think you are talking about Game of Thrones on your last post? = awesome.

Anonymity - guard it well...

Quarter Life Crisis said...

Axl Rose- Fan fic is fictional stories set in a pre-existing world (ie- Tolkien fans making up a random person who -could- have ridden with Theoden King to save Mundburg from the orcs, or an unnamed Jedi who goes on amazing adventures within the realms created, if that makes any sort of sense.) And yes, it is Game of Thrones, I just got the 1, 2, and 4th books for my stay in the well as watching the TV show, lol.