Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Initial Impressions of Messed-up Mental Patients

"Your general impression of the patient is a big deal.

*flash image on screen*

Big man, big stick- See ya, Bye!"

Head, meet desk

So, I'm filling out paperwork for my clinicals, turning in my immunization record and I see this:

If you have not had  an annual TST (tuberculin skin test), the 2 Step Test is REQUIRED.
If the first result is negative,  a second test must be done 1-3 weeks later.

No big deal, right?

It is a big deal. I HAVE to turn this in by Monday. Term started in August, and we were told to get our Mantoux done, so we all went out and got one. ONE. That's what our syllabus, professor and EHS website told us to do.

That was MONTHS ago. Shit like this makes me want to strangle people.

Monday, October 17, 2011

When generously sharing animal crackers

you should always hand a classmate the butt...

Classmate 1: "Here is the butt-end. You can have it."
Classmate 2: "Assman"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

In regards to back-boarding...

"When there is man-cleavage, I think it's tight enough."

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cardio test!


So far, one of the highest scores!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Zombies Everywhere!!

So, last night was the seventh annual Zombie Pub Crawl in Minneapolis, MN (and St. Paul!). From four pm until dawn probably, there were thousands of rotting, bleeding, moaning and very drunk zombie's running amuck in the capital.

And of course, I was in the middle of it.
I went with a couple of my EMT classmates...

And we zombie shuffled into the other city to meet up with yet another zombie classmate...

On the upside, it seems to be a one night only type zombie infection. It might take longer to actually remove the make-up (my ears are still white. It's kinda weird) and fake blood (ever heard the phrase "caught red handed"? I can verify it is possible, and will be until this dye wears off!) and I think the shirt is a total loss.

Monday, October 3, 2011

EMT Class

"When the electricity goes back and forth sixty times in a second, the heart goes "WTF?" and fibrillates."
        In reference to why one should not stick their finger in a light socket