Monday, January 30, 2012

Spelling matters...

But so does knowing your vocabulary.

It is important to write ilium when you mean ilium and not write ileum, but when you use the example in class, it's best to use ilium and ileum not ischium and ischeum.

Though, Google searching ischeum kept me well amused in class. Evidently it's in Florida.

Monday, January 23, 2012

5 year olds are deadly...

Shortie: "Mom! I have my marshmallow gun!!"
Mom: "Oh, you do?"

*pitter-patter of feet running and the sounds of maniacal giggling*


Mom: "OUCH!!"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sometimes it's the little things

I read a blog recently about loss (I suppose I could link and all that, but that's too much effort right now). I had mentioned that grief never really goes away.

I learned again just how true that was today.

After class tonight, I sat down to finish some school work and prep for a long day tomorrow (which means I opened up my internet, which leads me almost always to Facebook). Browsing through quickly, I noticed some newly added pictures that really really really caught my eye.

My cousin posted pictures of my grandma. We lost her four and a half years ago and just seeing the pictures reduced me to tears. And I rarely cry.

I miss her so much.

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's official!

I am now a Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT).

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Today is the day!

Today I find out if I have the knowledge to become an EMT (evidently they say I already have the skills). In less than one hour, I'll be wandering down towards the testing center (nearly an hour early, prepped with very specific directions from my friend who has taken this already) and sitting outside the room chewing what's left of my nails (that'll teach me to cut them short!).

My friend (same one) says I'm more prepared than he was (which is very sad, given that I didn't have my reference materials for three weeks) and that he passed, so I should do great. Regardless, my toes and fingers are crossed.

Results will come tomorrow...if they're good. If I fail, I'll probably go stick my head in a bucket somewhere and go back to cop school. Just kidding...

Monday, January 9, 2012

To all the math folk out there...

Question posed today in class (and no, it's not supposed to be a math class...yet)

You are hosting a party, with your significant other. You invite 20 couples (yes, it must be couples). Sometime during the party, you go around and ask each person how many people he/she has shaken hands with. The person cannot have shaken his/her SO's hand, or his/her own hand. Each person gives you a different number.

How many people did your SO shake hands with?

Why do you think your answer is right? I did end up with the right answer, however, my logic was flawed. And very very wrong.