Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yeah, it's a religious rant...

First off, I'd like to say this is not meant to offend anyone. If it does, go stick your head in the sand.

Browsing the BBC (yes, I'm aware I should be studying, bite me) I found this today. I'm not a keen fan of Micky Mouse, for the simple fact that mice give me the heebie jeebies, but it makes me wonder.

I'm a Christian, my best friend is an obnoxious heathen and I've got family who are Mormon, Catholic and other random things. It doesn't  bother me. I can't, and won't force my opinion or beliefs on anyone. I might share them, but what a person believes is up to him.

Now, to tie in the news article. My bestest best atheist buddy often sends me rather derogatory (if usually humorous) dipictions of various aspects of my faith. I usually laugh, or say 'hmmm, lol'. It's not something I'm going to get worked up over. This sorta springs to mind, or a number on that site. Some are downright hilarious, some are rude, and others, I'm sure, would gain a fatwah from various Muslim clerics.

Seriously though, who cares? I've got the right to express my opinion, whether it be in blog, picture or shouted from the rooftop of the Eifel Tower (granted, I've never been to the top of the Tower, and I doubt I've an opinion worth shouting from there) but the point is: Get over yourselves.

Now, if I were to come out and say: "Abdullah, I think you are a pork-sucking, dog-loving, flea infested scumbag and your religion is less than the crap on the bottom of my shoes" and hand him a picture of himself with a large red X through it, then I can definately see reason for discord. Even a fatwah. Yeah, I can see that.

But over a stupid cartoon? When everyday thousands of cartoons of Jesus, the Buddha, Abraham- the list goes on- are made, distributed and laughed at?

What makes Islam so damn important that it can't take a frakking joke? Seriously, my turban-wearing-brothers, get a freaking grip and learn to laugh.

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