Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wander Woman

Led me in circles around the ER on Thanksgiving.

But you know, it was all good. She was a total sweetheart, an absolute doll. We didn't believe the medic's when they reported that she'd been skipping down the hall in her nursing home, and they transported her because she fell while doing so. However, after an hour and a half of walking (mainly because we were too kind to lock her in a room) we decided that this sweet, old woman with dementia could very well have been skipping down the halls.

The rest of the clinicals were interesting. CHF who fell off his scooter in the Walmart parking lot. Little girl who caught her hand in a bullet blender. Infected toenail removal. All in a day's work in the ER.

The BLS transport was good too. I got to watch a woman (as we transferred her from the ER to our cot to take her home) go into severe respiratory distress and get nebbed. Her SpO2 stats dropped from mid nineties to thirty in two minutes. We decided she wasn't stable enough to transport. And ran. Fast.

Had a crazy woman. She wanted to take me home, which was kinda weird. She didn't like guys so I ended up keeping her calm and distracted during the ride to the hospital. We no more than dropped her off than picked up a baby with respiratory distress and took her to the Children's Hospital. She was adorable, other than the wheezing and coughing. Very happy baby over all, which we decided was a good thing. Last two patients were non-ambulatory, which meant I got to practice lifting and moving. My preceptor was bitten- not hard, but he definitely bit her. And I learned how to move in the back of a moving ambulance. That's a slightly unnerving feeling, especially when the patient I'm trying not to bump, jar or fall on complains of the slightest movement.

Ah well. Clinicals are over, I lived. And learned a lot. It was fun.

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