Tuesday, August 7, 2012

And the world sleeps...

For a couple weeks anyway.

Summer classes are over (as of the 2nd of August) and the days find me waiting on my final grade for my internship class (I got an A in the Literature class I specifically took to get an A so...). Since I was allowed to attend the orientation and register for fall classes, I'm confindent that I did pass...but I want to know my grade!

Ok, I'm a bit obsessed with grades. I'm a nerd.

Anyway, I arranged my fall classes - well, tenchincally I was told which once I could sign up for and did so. After all of last year of hearing how hard and difficult and sleep depriving the Medic Core could be I was slightly worried. We all were, actually. It's one of the better conversation topics in the hallway at school. Then I looked at my schedule.

Yes, it is a lot of courses. Yes, there is a lot of knowledge and procedure I have to cram into my brain. Yes, it is probably going to be stressful.

Except I have 1,5 days off...not counting the weekend. Granted, that day and a half is supposed to go to my clinicals - both in hospital and on the rig, but still! That's a whole 3,5 days off a week...I'll be able sleep, do my homework (which we traditionally don't have much of anyway), study and practice my skills.

I don't see what they were fussing about. I mean, sure, there is going to be a lot to do, but with proper planning and a solid schedule it's not -that- bad. It's no worse than the 10hr days I put in studying a language for two years, plus fulfilling other duties. Granted, I was younger...but I'm not old yet. Even if I complain that I am sometimes.

So, therefore...come August 27th, I'll be starting Core. My days will revolve around Shock and Trauma + Practicum, Medical Emergencies Pharmacological Interventions I + Practicum, Field Skills Lab I, Introduction to Pre-hospital Pharmacology and my field and hospital clinicals (150 hrs per semester minimum). Now all I need to do is finish sorting out finacial aid so I can get my textbooks and start pre-studying.

I can't wait to get the green light to hook back up with my medic. It's crazy how much I've enjoyed working on the ambulance. I miss it.

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