Thursday, August 9, 2012

What the world says...

And what is true seems to be totally different.

For example: Past students straight up told our class that getting a "C" for an internship is extremely difficult. Getting a "B" is amazing. And getting an "A" is nothing short of impossible.

The teacher who leads the internship hinted the same thing. He never specifically said it, but he did say he grades hard and that they were using this class to weed out the number of applicants to Core.

I got my grades back today.

I have accomplished the impossible.

My bestest best athiest called me insane and an alien. I was told that because it's a skill based class and not book lore that I could not be considered a nerd.

And then the insurance confirmation person congratulated me on my GPA. I'm not sure why she asked about my GPA in the first place, but she did. It was nice to hear though.

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